Posts Tagged ‘HIV Testing’

Free HIV Testing at Walgreen’s – Poughkeepsie 2

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
We can end HIV. It's National HIV Testing Day.It’s National HIV Testing Day!
Why it matters: If you know your HIV status, you can act accordingly. If you’re negative, take steps to stay negative such as safer sex, harm reduction, going on PrEP, and talking about safety with partners. If you’re positive, engage with and stay in medical care to stay healthy and lower your HIV viral load. If you’re undetectable, you can’t spread HIV. undetectable = untransmittable! #UequalsU
It all starts with knowing your HIV status. If you don’t know and it’s been more than 6 months, it’s time to get tested.
We’ll be offering FREE HIV oral swab testing at Walgreen’s in Poughkeepsie and Yonkers on Tuesday, June 27th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
We can end HIV. It's National HIV Testing Day.

Discretely Request Free HIV, STD and Hep C Testing With Our New Online Form

Friday, July 22nd, 2022
Young man looking at oral HIV test swab on a bed.

HVCS has offered free HIV, STD (STI), and hepatitis C testing for decades. To set up your free tests, all you have to do is contact us!

We offer testing at our offices, at various health fairs and public events across the Hudson Valley, or, if necessary, your home. If that’s not an option, we will meet you in a safe, confidential (mutually agreed upon) space.

Start by providing a few details on our new online request form so we know how best to serve you. Find the form here.

Free HIV Testing Day

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Westchester Street Outreach Team Has A New Van

Friday, February 4th, 2022
Street outreach team in Westchester gets a new van.

Our Project Reach Out street outreach program has a brand-new van! Despite a rain storm, staff gathered in the parking lot at our Hawthorne office to christen the new vehicle, which was specially outfitted just for us. The van was partially funded by the NYSDOH AIDS Institute and administrative reserves. Hudson Valley Credit Union provided additional funding to make this a reality for us and our clients in Westchester’s urban areas. PRO provides HIV and STD testing, referrals to critical health and support services, and was recently approved as a syringe access program. We look forward to serving more clients than ever before.

HVCS’ Home Test Kit for HIV Program: News Coverage

Friday, May 15th, 2020

This week, HVCS unveiled its new policy regarding HIV testing: we will mail an oral swab HIV test kit to your home! Watch the details as our Senior Program Manager, Naomi Kabalkin, explains things to Spectrum News reporter Dominic McKensie:

To receive a free home test kit for HIV, call or text (845) 704-7624 or visit this page.

PrEP, PEP and Hep A: Podcast Episode

Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

In this episode of our new podcast, we discuss what PrEP & PEP are and how they both work. Plus learn about the rise of Hep A here in the Hudson Valley and how to protect yourself against a range of harmful sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

You can also listen to more episodes on Spotify, iTunes and other podcast platforms–subscribe today!

National HIV Testing Day

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

National HIV Testing Day

I’m Doing It. Testing for HIV.


HVCS is collaborating with Walgreens in Poughkeepsie, located at 827 Dutchess Turnpike, for National HIV Testing Day (June 27th). Our team will be on site from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm for free confidential HIV testing, information on PrEP, as well as HIV prevention, care and treatment. We are partnering with Greater Than AIDS for this community event.

HIV Testing Day at Walgreens in Poughkeepsie

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

HVCS is collaborating with Walgreens in Poughkeepsie, located at 827 Dutchess Turnpike, for National HIV Testing Day. Our team will be on site for free confidential HIV testing, information on PrEP, as well as HIV prevention, care and treatment. We are partnering with Greater Than AIDS for this community event.

VIDEO: Your Questions About Safer Sex, Answered

Monday, March 18th, 2019


Got questions about the latest ways to reduce your risk for HIV, STDs and hepatitis C? So do lots of our followers. Members of our Education & Prevention Department went live on Facebook to answer them. In this video, we covered PrEP, PEP, how risky certain sexual behaviors are (or not), and how to reach our programs for more services!

Need free testing services? Contact us at (845) 704-7624 — you can call OR text! ? You can also email us to set up an appointment.

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Celebration (Poughkeepsie)

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Please join HRHCare Community Health for their first annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Celebration on February 7, 2019.

Get Tested

Get Educationed

Get PrEPed

For more information, contact Candice Melvin at (845) 260-0043.