Posts Tagged ‘HIV Status’

HIV Disclosure: Deciding Who & When to Tell – Webinar

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Friday, January 23rd ,2015


This webinar will increase health and human services providers’ awareness of the multifaceted issues clients face when contemplating HIV status disclosure to family, friends and service providers. Participants will develop the skills necessary to conduct timely ongoing assessments and discussion of HIV status disclosure as a component of effective service planning.

Dual Register at BOTH links to attend:


amfAR’s New Study Shows Dire Consequences from Elevated HIV Cases among Black Gay Men in the U.S.

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

“Despite efforts to reduce disparities in HIV transmission among gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States by optimizing treatment outcomes, significant racial disparities in HIV prevalence will likely persist for decades due to an alarmingly high concentration of HIV in black gay men, a new report finds.

Black MSM in the U.S. have been disproportionately affected by HIV since the beginning of the epidemic, although studies show that black men do not engage in more risk-associated behaviors than white men, and are just as, if not more, consistent about condom use and HIV testing.  Yet disparities in HIV incidence and prevalence between black and white MSM in the U.S. remain largely unexplained.

Reporting in the November 18 online edition of The Lancet HIV, researchers from Emory University Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta and amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, assessed how existing disparities in HIV prevalence and in the HIV continuum of care explain differences in HIV incidence in MSM.”

Read the rest of the report summary on amfAR’s website:

Learn more about HVCS’ programs for young gay black men in the hardest-hit areas of the Hudson Valley.

World AIDS Day

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Watch for more details on an array of local observances of World AIDS Day.

Learn the history behind World AIDS Day and how you can get involved at

Rate of HIV Infections Declining…Except Among Gay Men

Monday, July 21st, 2014

(Excerpted from an Associated Press feature.)

According to a new major study, the rate of HIV infections diagnosed in the United States each year fell by one-third over the past decade, a government study finds. Experts celebrated it as hopeful news that the AIDS epidemic may be slowing in the U.S.

“It’s encouraging,” said Patrick Sullivan, an Emory University AIDS researcher who was not involved in the study.

The reasons for the drop aren’t clear. It might mean fewer new infections are occurring. Or that most infected people already have been diagnosed so more testing won’t necessarily find many more cases.

“It could be we are approaching something of a ‘ceiling effect,'” said one study leader, David Holtgrave of Johns Hopkins University.

The study is based on HIV diagnoses from all 50 states’ health departments, which get test results from doctors’ office, clinics, hospitals and laboratories. The data span a decade, making this a larger and longer look at these trends than any previous study, said another study author, Amy Lansky of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The findings: 16 out of every 100,000 people ages 13 and older were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2011, a steady decline from 24 out of 100,000 people in 2002.

Declines were seen in the rates for men, women, whites, blacks, Hispanics, heterosexuals, injection drug users and most age groups. The only group in which diagnoses increased was gay and bisexual men, the study found.

Read the full AP article here.

National HIV Testing Day

Friday, June 20th, 2014

June 27th is National HIV Testing Day!

Do you know your status? When was the last time you had an HIV test? If you’re not sure, it’s time to find out. Whether you get a free, confidential HIV test on June 27th or set up an appointment that works for your schedule with HVCS’ staff, knowing your HIV status is vitally important.

To find out more about HVCS’ testing options, and if you’re at risk for HIV infection, visit our HIV testing page.

To mark National HIV Testing Day, the Westchester County Health Department and its Project WAVE (War Against the Virus Escalating) partners will offer free, rapid HIV tests on Friday, June 27, at the following locations:

Westchester County Health Department
Yonkers District Office
20 S. Broadway, 2nd Floor
8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Phone: 231-2500

Family Services of Westchester & Westchester Medical Center
Corner of Gramatan and Lincoln avenues, Mount Vernon
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Phone: 493-1172

Open Door Family Medical Center
165 Main St., Ossining
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 502-1479

Port Chester Open Door Medical Center
5 Grace Church St., Port Chester
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 406-8207

“An estimated 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV, and yet one out of five doesn’t know it,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Sherlita Amler. “To find out your status, there are plenty of places in Westchester that offer free testing on a regular basis, like our Health Department clinics. The test is quick, simple and readily available, so there’s no excuse not to get one.”

The Westchester County Department of Health provides free, confidential, rapid HIV tests routinely at its HIV and STD clinics.

For more information, go to and click on the clinic schedules link on the left.

WAVE works with more than 230 member agencies throughout the state to promote HIV counseling, testing and referrals.

Or check out Planned Parenthood’s free HIV testing on Friday, June 27th.

Friday, June 27

In honor of

National HIV Testing Day

Take a FREE* rapid HIV test at any PPHP Suffolk, Westchester, or Rockland health center on June 27.  Results available while you wait.  No appointment necessary, but recommended to reduce wait time.


PPHP Health Centers  

Suffolk County                                                    Westchester County
Smithtown: 70 Maple Ave.                                  White Plains: 175 Tarrytown Rd.

Huntington: 755 New York Ave., 3rd fl.               Mount Vernon: 6 Gramatan Ave., 4th fl.
Riverhead: 550 East Main St.                              New Rochelle: 247-249 North Ave.

West Islip: 180 Sunrise Hwy.                              Yonkers: 20 South Broadway, 11th fl.
Patchogue: 450 Waverly Ave.


Rockland County                                                Putnam County (**June 26)

Spring Valley: 25 Perlman Dr., 2nd fl.                 Brewster: 2505 Carmel Avenue


Quality. Affordable. Confidential.   1-800-230-PLAN (7526)


* The test and the office visit are free when visiting any PPHP health center for an HIV test only.

          ** Testing is free at Brewster center June 26 only.

Calculating Your HIV Risk: By the Numbers

Friday, April 11th, 2014

Heads or Tails: Calculating Your HIV Risk

Searching for more information about your personal risk for HIV infection? If you’re in New York’s Hudson Valley region, talk to our Regional Prevention Initiative about testing, individual counseling sessions or information sessions near you.


Against All Odds

by Trenton Straube

Playing the HIV numbers game is less—and more—risky than you think. Originally published in POZ Magazine, April 2014.

Can you get HIV from oral sex? That’s probably one of the most common questions AIDS service providers and doctors get asked. Americans really want to know their HIV risk during fellatio—even more so than during anal sex. Sure, you can Google the subject, but the results may further confuse and scare you.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fact sheet describes the probability of oral sex transmission as “low.” But what does that mean? The website puts it this way: “You can get HIV by performing oral sex on your male partner, although the risk is not as great as it is with unprotected anal or vaginal sex.” Regarding going down on a woman, the site explains: “HIV has been found in vaginal secretions, so there is a risk of contracting HIV from this activity.”

Does this put your mind at ease? Hardly. That’s why many of us seek out percentages and ratios when we talk about risk. Numbers seem less abstract, more specific. But do they give us a better understanding of HIV risk and sexual health? Let’s do the math.

Probabilities of HIV transmission per exposure to the virus are usually expressed in percentages or as odds (see chart at the end of this article). For example, the average risk of contracting HIV through sharing a needle one time with an HIV-positive drug user is 0.67 percent, which can also be stated as 1 in 149 or, using the ratios the CDC prefers, 67 out of 10,000 exposures. The risk from giving a blowjob to an HIV-positive man not on treatment is at most 1 in 2,500 (or 0.04 percent per act). The risk of contracting HIV during vaginal penetration, for a woman in the United States, is 1 per 1,250 exposures (or 0.08 percent); for the man in that scenario, it’s 1 per 2,500 exposures (0.04 percent, which is the same as performing fellatio).

As for anal sex, the most risky sex act in terms of HIV transmission, if an HIV-negative top—the insertive partner—and an HIV-positive bottom have unprotected sex, the chances of the top contracting the virus from a single encounter are 1 in 909 (or 0.11 percent) if he’s circumcised and 1 in 161 (or 0.62 percent) if he’s uncircumcised. And if an HIV-negative person bottoms for an HIV-positive top who doesn’t use any protection but does ejaculate inside, the chances of HIV transmission are, on average, less than 2 percent. Specifically, it is 1.43 percent, or 1 out of 70. If the guy pulls out before ejaculation, then the odds are 1 out of 154.

Say what? Is HIV really this hard to transmit, especially in light of the alarming statistics we are bombarded with? Although the CDC estimates that nearly 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV and that the rate of new infections remains stable at about 50,000 per year, there has been a 12 percent increase between 2008 and 2010 among men who have sex with men (MSM)—including a 22 percent jump among young MSM ages 13 to 24.

A report by the Black AIDS Institute states that African-American same-gender-loving men have a 25 percent chance (which is one in four odds) of contracting HIV by the time they’re 25 years old—and a 60 percent chance by the time they’re 40. Other researchers have predicted that half of all gay men in America who are 22 years old today will be HIV positive by the time they’re 50.

So how do we go from the odds being 1 out of 70 that HIV will be transmitted during the most risky sex act to the odds being 1 out of 2 that young gay men in the United States will contract HIV before they’re 50? (And before you even think it: No, the answer is not that everyone with HIV is a ginormous slut who has never heard of safer sex.)

For starters, you have to understand that these probabilities of HIV transmission per single exposure are averages. They are general ballpark figures that do not reflect the many factors that can raise and lower risk.

One such factor is acute infection, the period of six to 12 weeks after contracting the virus. At this time, viral load skyrockets, increasing a person’s infectiousness by as much as 26 times (the same thing as saying “26-fold”). So right there, the per-act risk of receptive vaginal transmission jumps from 1 out of 1,250 exposures to 1 out of 50 exposures, and the risk of receptive anal sex goes from 1 out of 70 to higher than 1 out of 3. It’s also important to realize that during acute infection, the immune system has not yet created the antibodies that lower viral load, at least for a few years. HIV tests that rely on antibodies may give a false negative reading during an acute infection, also known as the “window period.”

The presence of another sexually transmitted infection (STI)—even one without symptoms, such as gonorrhea in the throat or rectum—can raise HIV risk as much as 8 times, in part because STIs increase inflammation and thus the number of white blood cells that HIV targets. Vaginal conditions such as bacterial vaginosis, dryness and menstruation also alter risk.

Other factors lower risk. Circumcision does so an average of 60 percent for heterosexual men. HIV-positive people who have an undetectable viral load thanks to their meds can reduce transmission risk by 96 percent, a concept known as “treatment as prevention.” Early results from the ongoing PARTNER study (to be completed in 2017) found zero transmissions among both straight and gay serodiscordant couples when the positive partner was on successful treatment, even if STIs were present. HIV-negative people can take a daily Truvada pill as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, to lower their risk by 92 percent; similarly, there is post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP. And the CDC says condoms lower risk about 80 percent. Of course, these numbers will vary based on correct and consistent use of the prevention strategy.

Researchers also view risk through the constructs of family, relationships, community and socioeconomic status. A quick example: According to CDC data, 84 percent of HIV-positive women contract the virus through heterosexual contact. As researchers including Judith Auerbach, PhD, an adjunct professor at the University of California, San Francisco point out, the phrase “heterosexual contact” masks the prevalence of anal sex among straight couples and the role of sexual violence—which can be significant because exposure to gender inequality and intimate partner violence triples a woman’s risk for STIs and increases her chance of getting HIV 1.5 times.

Then there is the concept of cumulative risk. The oft-cited numbers for the risk of HIV transmission take into account one instance of exposure. But this is not a static number. Risk accumulates through repeated exposures, though you can’t simply add up the probabilities of each exposure to score your total risk. Statisticians, in case you’re curious, do have a formula for cumulative risk: 1 – ( ( 1 – x ) ^ y ) in which x is the risk per exposure (as a decimal) and y is the number of exposures.

But let’s face it, many of us can’t tabulate the tip at a restaurant, so it’s unlikely we’ll whip out the advanced algebra during sexytime. Yet not even the Nate Silvers of the world would be wise to gauge HIV risk based on statistics. Doing so is a serious gamble. Numbers and probabilities can be miscalculated and misinterpreted.

Case in point: Having a 1 in 70 chance of transmitting HIV does not mean it takes 70 exposures to the virus in order to seroconvert. It simply means that out of 70 exposures, on average, one will lead to HIV; bad luck might have it that the transmission occurs on the very first exposure.

Another important concept to grasp is absolute risk (what the risk actually is) versus relative risk (the percent change in the risk). Phrases like “PrEP can reduce your risk by 92 percent” tell us relative risks, but most people want to know absolute risks. In this example, a 92 percent risk reduction does not mean the final absolute risk is 8 percent. Instead, it is a 92 percent reduction of the beginning risk. If the beginning absolute risk is 50 percent, then PrEP reduces the risk to 4 percent; if the beginning risk is 20 percent, then PrEP lowers it to 1.6 percent.

Armed with data like this, it’s tempting to try to calculate your HIV risk for specific scenarios and then plan accordingly. For example, what are the odds of getting HIV from someone with an acute infection if you’re on PrEP? Such exercises can be problematic, cautions James Wilton, of the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), who specializes in the biology of HIV transmission and its implications for HIV risk communication. In real life, because of all the variables involved—ranging from a person’s viral load to HIV’s prevalence in the community—the beginning and (therefore) final risks for each individual are very hard to pinpoint. “The numbers you come up with are not definitive,” he notes. Also, there are often research gaps, he says, meaning that in many cases, scientists might not yet have real-world examples to back up these numbers and calculations, but they do have mathematical modeling and the biological rationale for why certain ideas about HIV risk are true. For example, we don’t have direct research showing that the HIV transmission risk while on PrEP is higher if a partner has acute HIV infection. What’s more, a lot of HIV studies are conducted among serodiscordant heterosexual couples in Africa, and scientists aren’t 100 percent sure that the results apply to everyone.

“We know that there’s not a lot of certainty in these numbers,” Wilton says. But he stresses that “they can be a good tool for helping people understand risk—they just need to be packaged with a lot of information.” (For a more detailed discussion, check out Wilton’s webinars on And for a great primer on understanding health statistics, get your hands on a copy of Know Your Chances: How to See Through the Hype in Medical News, Ads, and Public Service Announcements.)

When you lack information or misunderstand facts, you can’t grasp your true HIV risk. If you underestimate the HIV prevalence in your community, you’ll underestimate your risk. Surveys have found that more than one in five gay men in urban cities are HIV positive, and the virus is more prevalent among MSM of color and certain communities. People in these communities are more likely to come in contact with the virus even if they have fewer partners and practice safer sex more often. In other words, everyone’s HIV risk is not the same.

Perhaps the biggest miscalculation is the incorrect assessment that you or your partner is HIV negative. That’s why risk-reduction strategies like serosorting (having sex without condoms only with people of your same status) have a larger margin of error.

Perry Halkitis, PhD, a New York University researcher who has followed cohorts of young MSM and older HIV-positive people, has observed that people make assumptions such as: “He’s older and from the city, so he’s more likely to be positive and I won’t sleep with him. But a young guy from the Midwest who looks negative? Sure, let’s do everything!”

“People are making decisions based on their assessment about the person, and it needs to be much more focused on the act,” says Halkitis, who also believes basic HIV education must go into the nuances of transmission. He wonders who is teaching young people not to use Vaseline with condoms, for example, or not to douche right before sex (if you must, do it a few hours earlier) or, if you’re shooting drugs, not to share the water and works, which can also spread the virus.

Data be damned. All the numbers in the world won’t change the fact that people are terrible at gauging their HIV risk. Often for good reason. If you’re struggling to find a job, a meal or a place to live, HIV is not high on your list of concerns, even if exposure to more risk in your daily life raises your risk for the virus. If you’re falling in love or dating, you don’t view your partner as an HIV threat, despite the fact that as much as two-thirds of HIV today is spread through relationships.

Even in hook-ups, people aren’t likely tabulating their HIV risk. One survey asked young MSM who cruised for sex online to list their main worries. The answers? That the person they met wouldn’t look like their profile, or that they’d be rejected by the person—or be robbed or beaten or raped. HIV wasn’t the top concern.

This isn’t because the young men were ignorant about the virus, says Columbia University’s Alex Carballo-Dieguez, PhD, one of the authors of that study, along with numerous additional MSM and HIV research. “In the interview room, sitting in front of me, most gay men have heightened risk perception and can accurately recite all the circumstances that may result in HIV transmission,” Carballo-Dieguez says. “But at the time of the sexual encounter, when men are seeking the most satisfactory experience possible, risk perception recedes and is replaced by love, trust, intimacy, lust, kinkiness and many other condiments that improve the flavor of sex. In [Blaise]Pascal’s words, Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point [The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of].”

“Our experiences of sex are not about ‘Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!’” says Jim Pickett, director of prevention advocacy and gay men’s health at the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. “Sex is about pleasure and intimacy and things that make us feel good. And in the real world, risk-takers are celebrated. We have to take risks every day.” A better approach, he says, is not to ask, “What’s my risk for HIV?” but instead to think, “What can I do to enjoy the sex that I want to have but remain free of diseases?”

Len Tooley, a colleague of Wilton’s at CATIE who also does HIV testing, agrees. Sexual health is often framed in the idea of risk instead of rewards. This may present HIV and those living with it as the worst possible outcome imaginable, he notes, which is not only stigmatizing but often irrational and false since many people with HIV are, in fact, just fine.

“When we get embroiled in concepts of risk, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole,” Tooley says. “When people ask for numbers, they’re usually trying to find a balance between what they want to do sexually and the chances that those activities would lead to HIV transmission.” The ensuing discussions, he says, bring up questions about morals and values around HIV transmission, about how much risk we think is worth taking, how we perceive HIV as a possible result of our actions, and when it’s OK to ditch condoms. Questions, in other words, that can’t be answered with a simple number

Positive Prevention: Connecting Care and Prevention

Monday, April 7th, 2014

This one day training will provide participants with updated information and strategies for promoting prevention among people living with HIV/AIDS. The latest research demonstrates that early initiation of treatment, retention in care and viral load suppression are critical to the health of people with HIV and also play a key role in reducing new infections. Participants will learn strategies for coupling messages about the importance of clinical care with behavioral interventions to address the risks associated with sexual and substance using behaviors.


As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recall the latest research that demonstrates the link between treatment and prevention;
  • Explain to clients the importance of early initiation of anti-retroviral treatment, viral load suppression and retention in care;
  • Recall how co-morbidities such as HIV/HCV co-infection or HIV/syphilis co-infection can affect transmission and acquisition of HIV and other infectious diseases;
  • Refer clients as needed to other intensive prevention interventions including group level interventions, condom distribution programs, partner services, syringe access and others; and
  • Practice skills related to promoting prevention among clients living with HIV of all ages.


Prerequisite: None. It is strongly suggested that participants have attended basic training in HIV/AIDS.


Audience: All health and human service providers who interact with clients who are living with HIV/AIDS.>


Continuing Education Credits:

This training is provided under New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Education and Training Provider Certification Number 0305. Under the NYS OASAS Provider Certificate, this training is approved for 6.5 clock hours toward the education and training requirements for renewal of CASAC/CPP/CPS certification.

To register, visit

ALERT and INFORM Get “Equal” Time with Jack Mackenroth

Friday, March 21st, 2014

Staffers from our ALERT and INFORM teams (both programs are part of our Regional Prevention Initiative) performed HIV testing at SUNY Purchase’s “HIV Equals” event on March 14th. Claribel and Bryn went there on our behalf, and tested 80 people that day in just 5 hours–amazing! HIV Equals is a new social media/photo campaign created by former Project Runway contestant and HIV activist Jack Mackenroth and celebrity photographer Thomas Evans. HIV Equals works with the  World Health Clinicians located in Norwalk, CT. “Our campaign’s focus is to encourage knowing your HIV status as well as remove the stigma attached to individuals living with the HIV virus,” they say.

RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant Gia Gunn and “The Needle Prick Project” founder Tyler Curry were also there. (Claribel, Bryn – we’re so jealous you got to go!)

Find out more about the campaign at

Friday, Feb 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day infographicNational Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) is an HIV testing and treatment community mobilization initiative for Blacks in the United States and across the Diaspora, held on February 7th.

There are four specific focal points: Get Educated, Get Tested, Get Involved, and Get Treated.

Visit to see profiles on spokespeople, links to events all over the country, and more facts like this disturbing one at left.

Also, make sure to attend the local event in Yonkers. Join the Sharing Community and the Yonkers Providers Task Force from12 to 2pm at the Larkin Riverfront Library, 1 Larkin Plaza for a local observance. Refreshments provided.

Positive Prevention: Connecting Care and Prevention

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

This one day training will provide participants with updated information and strategies for promoting prevention among people living with HIV/AIDS. The latest research demonstrates that early initiation of treatment, retention in care and viral load suppression are critical to the health of people with HIV and also play a key role in reducing new infections. Participants will learn strategies for coupling messages about the importance of clinical care with behavioral interventions to address the risks associated with sexual and substance using behaviors.

Prerequisite: It is strongly recommended that participants have previous knowledge or training on basic HIV/AIDS information.

Audience: All non-physician health and human services providers who work directly with people living with HIV including: case managers, counselors, nurses, support services providers and others.

To register, visit