Posts Tagged ‘Awareness’

Free HIV/STD Testing at the LOFT – Third Tuesdays

Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

Free HIV/STI Testing at the LOFT

Free HIV/STI Testing is provided through a collaboration with Hudson Valley Community Services (HVCS) on a monthly basis at The LOFTIncludes testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis.


Free HIV/STI Testing is conducted at The LOFT every 3rd Tuesday of month from 5:00pm-8:00pm by appointment only.  Testing is fast, free, and discreet.

In collaboration with Hudson Valley Community Services (HVCS), free, in-person HIV & STI screening is back at The LOFT every 3rd Tuesday from 5:00pm-8:00pm.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic new procedures have been put into place to ensure the safety of you, LOFT and HVCS staff.

  • You must make an appointment, no drop-ins will be able to be screened that day.
  • Pre-screening and counseling will be done prior to the appointment by phone with an HVCS counselor.
  • You must answer a COVID-19  health
    survey before you enter the center and have a thermal scan.
  • You must wear a face covering over your nose and mouth for the duration of the in-person appointment.

To start the process and make an appointment contact Jamel Gray at or call  (914)-785-8214.

If you are unable to visit The LOFT  during the appointment period, additional appointments can be scheduled a different day and time either at The LOFT or an HVCS location.  Contact HVCS to find out more. 

National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021
NationalYouth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day, April 10th

Saturday, April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. #NYHAAD reminds us of the importance of investing in young people’s health and education. School-based Health Education provides youth with a safe and supportive environment to learn about HIV prevention.

1 in 5 new HIV diagnoses occurs in young people ages 13-24. This National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day, learn why investing in youth health and education is critical to ending HIV:

National LGBT Health Awareness Week

Wednesday, March 17th, 2021

National LGBT Health Week

Join Us For An Honest Discussion About Sex

Friday, February 5th, 2021

Sex & ChocolateTalk sexual health with Hudson Valley Community Services!

Thursday February 18th at 6:15 p.m.

The program will include a presentation on common STI’s, prevention and harm reduction methods, and methods of safe sex. It will also include a conversation on overall health. After the presentation HVCS will open up the conversation for questions and offer services to anyone who may be interested.

These groups are held in a safe space, are 100% confidential, and are LGBTQ affirming.

Register here:


This event is being conducted with the Newburgh Free Library.

Sex & Chocolate: Sexual Health Discussion (Zoom Meeting)

Friday, February 5th, 2021

Sex & ChocolateTalk sexual health with Hudson Valley Community Services and the Newburgh Free Library!

Thursday February 18th at 6:15 p.m.

The program will include a presentation on common STI’s, prevention and harm reduction methods, and methods of safe sex. It will also include a conversation on overall health. After the presentation HVCS will open up the conversation for questions and offer services to anyone who may be interested.

These groups are held in a safe space, are 100% confidential, and are LGBTQ affirming.

Register here:

Merger Date With Cornerstone Set for March 1

Tuesday, January 12th, 2021

Late last fall, we received word from the New York State Attorney General’s office that our plan to merge with Cornerstone Family Healthcare was approved, without any comments or requested changes to the plan. We have set a merger date of March 1, 2021 for the official merger.

What This Means For Clients:

Clients of HVCS should not see or feel any difference in services once we merge. All services and programs are staying intact and operational. Clients’ case managers and contacts will all remain the same. Our website, phone numbers and email addresses will also be the same, and our physical offices will remain where they are and open the same hours.

The changes for clients are all positive: we will be able to provide clients with more services via direct and active referrals to Cornerstone’s medical, dental, OBGYN, behavioral health and mental health programs. Clients will be able to see medical staff via telemedicine appointments, either from their home or from our offices.*

We have a handy FAQ guide for clients on our website, in English and Spanish.

What This Means For Supporters:

The Hudson Valley Community Services brand will continue, like our website. Our food and toiletry closets, client emergency funds, and fundraising programs will carry on as well. (We hope to bring back some of our fundraising events, too, once the Covid-19 pandemic has eased.) Donations made to HVCS will still be applied to HVCS programs.

Cornerstone Family HealthcareWhat Is Cornerstone?

Cornerstone Family Healthcare (CFH) is a non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center with a mission to provide high quality, comprehensive, primary and preventative health care services in an environment of caring, dignity and respect to all people regardless of their ability to pay. For more than fifty years, Cornerstone has been responsive to meeting the needs of the communities they serve with a continued emphasis on the under-served and those without access to health care–regardless of race, economic status, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability.

Since Cornerstone is also a non-profit, you can choose, in the future, to donate to the entire organization and help even more people access the healthcare they need. Cornerstone serves more than 40,000 people each year!


*All visits are by appointment only, until further notice.

National Transgender Day of Remembrance

Monday, November 9th, 2020

National Transgender Day of Remembrance

HVCS’ ESAP Explainer Video (Expanded Syringe Access Program)

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

HVCS created this video for the New York State “End the Epidemic” campaign.

PrEP Aware Week

Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

PrEP Aware Week

Visit for more information.

International Overdose Awareness Day – Video

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

On August 21, 2020, HVCS observed International Overdose Awareness Day with a Facebook Live event. Personal experience speakers, community service providers, and HVCS staff all recorded videos for the occasion. We wrapped things up with a Narcan training. This event was sponsored by PCSB.