Swanky Soiree at ARCS | Thursday May 20 2010 6-8
Swing and sway to a cool lounge vibe at ARCS’ cocktail party on Thursday, May 20, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the home of “Mod Men” Andrew Mandolene and Todd Goddard in Armonk.
Please join us to celebrate ARCS’ newest programs and services for those affected by HIV/AIDS in the Hudson Valley. Staff will provide a quick update for guests on our new nutrition services, our medical care access program, and HIV prevention services for substance users. The remainder of the time will be devoted to mixing, mingling and getting to know more about your fellow ARCS supporters!
Classic hors d’oeuvre provided by Nancy Silver Catering
Wines donated by Bob Brink of Arlington Wine & Liquor
50’s Retro/Rat Pack Attire Encouraged — a la Frank Sinatra & Ava Gardner
11 Tallwoods Road
Armonk, NY 10504
Please RSVP to Jana Fernandes at (914) 785-8283 or jfernandes@arcs.org by May 14, 2010
$20 suggested donation at the door
About Our Hosts:
Andrew Mandolene and Todd Goddard’s stunningly restored 1957 home in Armonk serves as the luxe location for our first Friendraiser of 2010. The home was featured in Dwell’s February issue.
Andrew Mandolene is a designer and art director. His portfolio can be viewed at www.andrewmandolene.com.
Todd Goddard is a real estate agent specializing in mid-century modern homes. Visit his current listings at www.architecturalhomesny.com.
Tags: donations, donor, event, Friendraiser, special, Westchester, wine