Education and Prevention

Cornerstone Family Healthcare’s Education & Prevention programs integrate into communities at high risk for HIV, Hepatitis C, STIs (sexually transmitted infections), and substance use. We provide information, resources, referrals, and support to prevent infections and empower patients so they can make well-informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Corrections Health Initiative

The Corrections Health Initiative (CHI) works directly with incarcerated individuals in the Green Haven and Sullivan hubs to reduce HIV transmission, lower the number of Hepatitis C infections, and provide reentry planning assistance.

Please contact CHI at: (845) 522-5760.

HCV Patient Navigation

The goal of the HCV Navigation Program is to assist clients diagnosed with chronic HCV connect to treatment, complete treatment, and get cured.

For more information, please contact: (914) 785-8275.

Health Hub

The Health Hub Program provides access to and availability of buprenorphine for patients who use opioids within Orange and Sullivan counties. The Health Hub’s goals are to reduce opioid use, prevent overdose, and improve patients’ general health and well-being.

For more information, please contact: (845) 522-5767.

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)

PrEP offers information, screenings, appointments, payment assistance resources, and referrals for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection. PrEP medication stops HIV from replicating and establishing infection in people without HIV. Services are provided in-person in Orange County and via telehealth in the rest of the Hudson Valley.

For more information, please contact: (845) 391-5095.

Syringe Support Program

Syringe Support Program (SSP) uses a mobile unit (van) to provide free and non-judgmental harm reduction to people who inject drugs. SSP’s goal is to reduce patients’ risk of contracting HIV, hepatitis C, and other bloodborne diseases.

Mobile Unit Operating Hours:

Monticello 11:30a-12:30p 1:30p-2:30pKingston 10a-12p 1p-3pSullivan County 11:30a-12:30p 1:30p-2:30pKingston 10a-11a 1p-3p
Poughkeepsie 10:30a-12:30p 1:30p-3:30pNewburgh 10a-12p 1:30p-3:30pPoughkeepsie 10:30a-12:30p 1:30p-3:30pNewburgh 10a-12p 1:30p-3p
Spring Valley 10a-12p 1p-4pSpring Valley 10a-12p 1p-4pSpring Valley 10a-12p 2p-4pSpring Valley 10a-12p 1p-4p
Westchester County Days/Hours VaryWestchester County Days/Hours VaryWestchester County Days/Hours VaryWestchester County Days/Hours Vary


  • Monticello: Federation for the Homeless (9 Monticello Street) – Mondays only
  • Sullivan County: Ride About – Thursdays only 
  • Kingston: Elmendorf Street (between Broadway & Tremper)
  • Poughkeepsie: Municipal Lot (between N. Hamilton & Catherine Street-Chance parking lot)
  • Newburgh: 280 Broadway parking lot
  • Spring Valley Office: 72 Route 59 East Spring Valley
  • Westchester: Rideabout, walkabout, special arrangements – locations will vary

For more information, please contact SSP at: (845) 522-5756.

Testing Services

We offer confidential free HIV testing, STI (sexually transmitted infection) screenings (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis), and Hepatitis C (HCV) testing throughout the Hudson Valley. Patients receive HIV and HCV testing results in 20 minutes (rapid testing). STI test results are available within 3 to 7 days.

Request HIV, Hepatitis C, and/or STD Testing

For more information, please contact us at: (845) 391-5095.

Please fill out our Testing Request form and hit “Submit.” A member of our Education and Prevention staff will be in touch soon.