A new episode of our podcast, Honestly…From HVCS is now available, and this one’s all about sex. Problematic sexual behavior, that is, and host Andy Reid talks with psychotherapist Donal Clifford all about it. How does porn factor into sexual addiction? When is it time to ask for help? Subscribe and download new episodes wherever you get your favorite podcasts or right here.
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
New Podcast Episode: Problematic Sexual Behavior
Wednesday, June 29th, 2022Photos From Our High Score Hijinks Pride Kickoff
Friday, June 3rd, 2022

On Thursday, June 2, 2022, HVCS held a fundraiser and awareness-raiser for our Men’s Services Program and PrEP Program, in honor of Pride Month. Happy Valley, an arcade on Main Street in Beacon, generously donated the space, all quarters played in their classic video games, and proceeds from signature cocktails. We owe them a huge thanks! We appreciate everyone who came out to support us and to kick off the Pride season.
Harvey Milk Day
Monday, May 16th, 2022Milk was a gay rights activist and one of the first openly gay officials in the United States. Born in Woodmere, New York on May 22, 1930, he worked as a public-school teacher on Long Island and a production associate for Broadway musicals. Soon after moving to California, he quickly became a community leader and a political spokesperson advocating for the rights of the LGBTQ folks in San Francisco. In 1977, after two previous attempts, Harvey Milk won a seat on the San Francisco City-County Board. Unfortunately, a year after, he was assassinated inside the City Hall. Today, Milk is celebrated not only for being a pioneer in the LGBTQ rights movement, but for his vision of equality and freedom for all. In 2009, President Barack Obama posthumously awarded Milk the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Learn more here.
High Score Hijinks: Pride Month Kickoff
Monday, May 16th, 2022
Join us for High Score Hijinks, a Pride kick-off and fundraiser for HVCS’ Prevention and Education programs! On Thursday, June 2nd from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, play classic arcade games and enjoy specialty cocktails at Happy Valley, Beacon’s “barcade” on Main Street. Play games with our Men’s Services Program: take a spin at our “Safer Sex Quiz” wheel, win great prizes, and have fun while supporting a great cause. Happy Valley will donate all quarters played that night to HVCS. For more information, call (845) 787-1789 or DM us. Happy Pride!
Lesbian Visibility Day – April 26, 2022
Tuesday, April 26th, 2022From The Division of HIV/STD/HCV Prevention, Office of LGBTQ Services
Para la versión en español, favor hacer clic aquí
In observance of Lesbian Visibility Day, April 26, please join us in celebrating the lives and achievements of five extraordinary women. As we continue to create safer spaces for all New Yorkers, it’s essential to honor those who have paved the way, despite hardship and adversity, for a more equal and fair society. |
Barbara Gittings (b. 1932 – Vienna, Austria) Gittings organized the New York Chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis and, in 1965, with Frank Kameny of Washington, D.C., started the July 4 “Annual Reminder Day” pickets at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. She and Kameny also coordinated efforts that led the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 to remove homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, officially affirming that sexual or romantic attraction to others of the same sex is not an illness and cannot be “cured.” Photo credit: Kay Tobin/New York Public Library |
Ernestine Eckstein (b. 1941 – South Bend, Indiana) Soon after moving from Indiana to New York City in 1963, Eckstein became an active member of the Matachine Society of New York and the NYC chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis, where she served as vice president from 1964 to 1966. In 1965, she picketed at Independence Hall in July and the White House in October, the only Black person at either event. Photo credit: Kay Tobin/New York Public Library |
Midge Costanza (b. 1932 – Leroy, NY) The first female city councilmember and first woman vice-Mayor of Rochester, Costanza was director of the White House Office of Public Liaison under President Jimmy Carter from January 1977 to September 1978. On March 26, 1977, at the suggestion of Jean O’Leary, Costanza convened a historic White House meeting of fourteen well-known gay rights activists. Photo credit: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration |
Jean O’Leary (b. 1948 – Kingston, NY) O’Leary was an active member of the Gay Activists Alliance, but after 2 years of growing frustration at the marginalization of women, she led a group of women to form Lesbian Feminist Liberation. Later, from 1976 to 1981, O’Leary was co-executive director with Bruce Voeller of the National Gay Task Force. And in 1988, O’Leary and Rob Eichberg started National Coming Out Day. Photo credit: Cleveland State University Alumni Association |
Madeline Davis (b. 1940 – Buffalo, NY) After attending the 1971 March on Albany, Davis wrote Stonewall Nation, a folk gay-liberation anthem that got wide play at LGBT events well into the 1980s. In 1972, Davis became the first out lesbian delegate elected to the Democratic National Convention. Her speech calling for the inclusion of gay rights in the party platform can be heard here. In 1994 Davis, with co-author Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy, published Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold, a history of the working-class lesbian community in Buffalo from the 1930s to the early 1960s. Her extensive collection of historical materials are now housed in the Dr. Madeline Davis LGBTQ Archive of Western New York at SUNY College at Buffalo. Photo credit: Madeline Davis |
En conmemoración del Día de Visibilidad Lésbica, el 26 de abril, les invitamos a unirse para celebrar las vidas y logros de cinco extraordinarias mujeres. A la par que continuamos creando lugares más seguros para todas las personas en Nueva York, es esencial rendir honores a quienes han abierto el camino, a pesar de la adversidad y dificultades, para una sociedad más justa y equitativa. |
Barbara Gittings (Nto. 1932 – Viena, Austria) Gittings organizó el capítulo de Nueva York de la organización “Daughters of Bilitis” y, en 1965, en colaboración con Frank Kameny de Washington DC, comenzó las protestas del 4 de julio denominadas “Annual Reminder Day” en el Salón de la Independencia en Filadelfia. Junto a Kameny también coordinó los esfuerzos que llevaron a la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría a remover la homosexualidad del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM, por sus siglas en inglés) en 1973. Afirmando oficialmente que la atracción sexual y romántica hacia otras personas del mismo sexo no es una enfermedad y no se puede “curar”. Foto: Kay Tobin/Biblioteca Publica de Nueva York. |
Ernestine Eckstein (Nto. 1941 – South Bend, Indiana) En 1963, poco tiempo después de mudarse de Indiana a la ciudad de Nueva York, Eckstein se convirtió en una integrante activa de la “Matachine Society” de Nueva York y del capítulo de la ciudad de Nueva York de la organización “Daughters of Bilitis”, donde ejerció como vicepresidenta desde 1964 hasta 1966. En julio de 1965 protestó en el Salón de la Independencia y octubre del mismo año en la Casa Blanca, siendo la única persona de la raza negra en asistir a ambos eventos. Foto: Kay Tobin/Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York |
Midge Costanza (Nto. 1932 – Leroy, NY) La primera mujer concejal y primera vicealcaldesa de la ciudad de Rochester, Constanza fue directora de la Oficina de Enlace Público de la Casa Blanca bajo la presidencia de Jimmy Carter desde enero de 1977 hasta septiembre de 1978. El 26 de marzo de 1977, motivada por Jean O’Leary, Constanza convocó una histórica reunión en la Casa Blanca con la participación de catorce reconocidas figuras de los derechos gais. Foto: Administración de Registros y Archivos Nacionales de los EE. UU. |
Jean O’Leary (Nto. 1948 – Kingston, NY) O’Leary fue una integrante activa de la “Gay Activists Alliance”, pero luego de 2 años de frustración por la marginación de las mujeres, lideró un grupo de mujeres que formaron el movimiento “Lesbian Feminist Liberation”. Tiempo después, desde 1976 a 1981, O’Leary fue codirectora ejecutiva junto a Bruce Voeller del “National Gay Task Force”. En 1988, O’Leary y Rob Eichberg comenzaron el Día Nacional de Salir del Clóset Foto: Asociación de Exalumnos de la Universidad de Cleveland |
Madeline Davis (Nto. 1940 – Buffalo, NY) Luego de participar en la Marcha de 1971 en Albany, Davis escribió “Stonewall |
New Mid-Hudson Outreach Program Provides Harm Reduction Services
Friday, April 1st, 2022
Starting today, Hudson Valley Community Services (HVCS) commences a new overdose prevention and harm reduction program people who use drugs (PWUD) in Orange and Sullivan counties. Mid-Hudson Outreach’s goal is to expand access to MOUD (medication for opioid use disorder), Narcan (Naloxone) to reverse overdoses, and connect clients to available resources. These include HVCS’ own Health Hub and Syringe Exchange Program (SEP), Expanded Syringe Access Program (ESAP), HIV/STD/Hepatitis C testing, case management, and food assistance. Ultimately, the program empowers clients to make safer choices that have a positive impact on their overall health.
Mid-Hudson Outreach staff will use a variety of cooperative relationships to monitor and seek out where PWUD tend to congregate. The Prevention Specialists and part-time Peer will distribute free harm reduction supplies and information to build rapport with new clients. Once a person expresses interest and enrolls in services, staff can assist them remotely for the duration of their enrollment. This enables PWUD who may be in a contemplative stage of their use to identify and follow their own goals. Clients will work closely with program staff in combating barriers impacting their needs. All participants will be offered safer injection supplies, Narcan training and kits, safer sex supplies, and other needed items to promote risk reduction and overdose prevention.
Special Focus on Rural Areas
Mid-Hudson Outreach was created specifically to improve access to care and increase syringe access for PWUD in remote, rural areas like most of Orange and Sullivan counties. The program will increase Narcan access and distribution; and decrease overdose death rates.
This program complements Ulster County Outreach Program and the Dutchess Regional Care Coordinator to empower PWUDs in the Hudson Valley and strengthen their health care autonomy.
Meet Our Consumer Advisory Board Co-chairs
Monday, March 7th, 2022We are excited to announce that our 2022 HCAB Co-Chairs have been selected! Please join us virtually on March 23, 2022 at 2:00 PM to congratulate Maria and Robert. For more information on how to attend, please call Cierra Brown at (914) 785-8273.
Listen to the latest episode of the Honestly From HVCS podcast!
Monday, March 7th, 2022In this episode, host Andrew Reid talks with Noelle Ziemans, MSN, FNP-BC, the Chief of Urgent Care at Cornerstone Family Healthcare’s Kaplan Family Pavilion in Newburgh, NY. They discuss what was like working in Urgent Care during the COVID-19 pandemic, staying motivated, and what the future may hold. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your favorite podcasts!
Listen To Our Latest Podcast Episode: COVID Update
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022In our newest episode, host Andy Reid talks with Andrew Sherman Evans, Jr., the Director of Public Health and Disease Prevention with the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health. Andrew has served in public health for nearly 33 years. He is the former President of the Board of HVCS and is currently a member of the board at Cornerstone Family Healthcare.
New Program: Regional Care Coordinator Connects Opioid Survivors to Resources
Tuesday, February 8th, 2022HVCS joined a new statewide effort to link people who have survived an opioid overdose with local recovery, treatment and support resources. Coordinated by NY MATTERS, our Regional Care Coordinator is based in Dutchess County but is empowered to serve clients throughout the Hudson Valley region.
The Regional Care Coordinator works with treatment centers, medical providers, emergency rooms, syringe access programs, medically-assisted treatment providers, and other services to compile a comprehensive list of available referrals. Contact information and data are loaded onto an iPad search portal that is available in emergency rooms. After a non-fatal overdose, medical staff will provide the iPad to clients so they can line up support services immediately, before leaving the emergency room. The program’s purpose is to increase the number of successful referrals to aftercare resources, without lengthy delays or lag times. Studies have shown that overdose clients are much more likely to pursue treatment the sooner they connect with the provider and the “warm handoff” happens in a timely manner. If a client experiences any obstacles, such as a wait list or lack of response from a provider, they are less likely to follow through on the treatment referral. By delaying treatment, the client is much more likely to continue using substances illegally and, possibly, risks another overdose.
HVCS’ Regional Care Coordinator is part of a growing interconnected web of substance use disorder providers. Their role is to pave the way for immediate referral uptake among providers, to funnel more people to the treatment they need to free themselves or reduce the harm of substance use. Our RCC is also an integral part of our Drug User Health Hub in Dutchess County. The Health Hub links clients to buprenorphine (Suboxone) prescribing providers, either in person or via telemedicine. Buprenorphine prevents the feelings of opioid withdrawal without the “high” or harm. It is often a critical component of a client’s recovery from opioid use disorder.
To reach our Regional Care Coordinator:
- Call or text: (914) 308-3288
- Email: ssantos@hudsonvalleycs.org