Volunteer Opportunities
For more information, please call (914) 785-8326.
There are a number of ways that volunteers can help HVCS to fulfill its mission. Opportunities include:
- Food Drives: one of the best ways you can help HVCS is to organize a food drive at your place of business, religious group, school, community center, etc. Or, talk to your local supermarket about tabling outside to ask their customers to donate a can of food!
- Hudson Valley AIDS Walk: Volunteers are needed in all aspects of facilitating this year’s event, from being Walk Team Leaders to helping set up.
- Dining Out for Life: We need volunteers to help plan our restaurant-based fundraiser, serve as ambassadors in restaurants, collect incentives and prizes, and assist with marketing and promotions.
- Harvest of Hope Charity Ball: Join the organizing committee to have direct input on our most elegant fundraising evening.
- Professional Services volunteers use their expertise to provide assistance in the fields of legal services, internet technology, professional coaching or staff development, graphic design, or website development!
- Resource Enhancement provides opportunities for volunteers to participate in such fundraising activites as the AIDS Walk, special fundraising dinners and other interesting events.
- From time to time other opportunities may present themselves, and volunteers are matched to those activities on an individual basis. Please share your expertise and commitment with us!
If you would like to volunteer your time, or would like further information, please contact us at (914) 785-8326.